Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Far from what I once was but not yet what I am going to be. | Personal Post

In lieu of 'Transformation Tuesday', even if it's now technically Wednesday ... so I guess this is in lieu of 'Way Back Wednesday', I want to discuss growth.

Recently I had a few people come to me and tell me how much of a growth they have seen in my work. As I am sure many photographers can relate, we often are our own worst critics so hearing those kinds of things is always uplifting. I always refer to myself as my biggest competitor. And I truly think to be able to grow, this is where your mindset sort of needs to be.

I am nowhere near where I would like to be. ...and I hope that I never feel like I have peaked and find myself at an absolute comfort with my work. It was Imogen Cunningham who said "Which of my photographs is my favorite? The one I'm going to take tomorrow." I feel like once we feel like we're no longer learning, that's when it's no longer for us.

I sincerely hope that I never come do that.

And I really grasp at trying to find the right words to express what those kind of compliments mean to me and how much I truly take them to heart. I look back at just four years ago and I could not have fathomed being where I am today, my old self would have thought me pretentious for evening entertaining the idea that I would be here. I hate using phrases like 'I'm blessed.' - because I do feel like I worked hard, but I also know that were it not for the support system I have had, that I wouldn't have made it this far.

And yet, I still have SO far to go.

My advice for struggling photographers : if this is what you want to do, DO NOT GIVE UP! There are so many hurdles that every photographer has to jump over, don't compare yourself to the photographer who has the most beautiful studio you've ever seen if you aren't able to have one of your own, don't beat yourself up because you haven't achieved the look you're going for - keep working and you will one day be able to afford that beautiful studio, keep practicing and keep trying but above all else never lose value in yourself.

Once you lose focus of your own value, is when you start to lose yourself. This is true for anyone, not just business owners or entrepreneurs. Along the way there are going to be people or situations that test your ability to remain focused, first of all - "if you fall of the horse, you have to get back on'', so don't let set backs defeat you. Do whatever you have to do to get out of that funk, honestly if I start feeling like I am losing focus - I will start writing. I will remind myself of my goals and more importantly, remind myself that being blessed is not having everything you want, it's being thankful for what you have now.

So with that, I'd like to encourage forward thinking. Move on and let go of anything that does not support you along your path to happiness, because in the end ... happiness is the ultimate goal.

Stay gold and remain humble. ;)
Crystal B.

Oh, and I made this Facebook cover. You're more than welcome to use it. <3 ::hugs::

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