Monday, April 6, 2015

Monologue Mondays | Iowa Wedding Photographers | Personal Post Part 1

I'm starting a series called Monologue Mondays. This is an ironic title if you know what a monologue is, know how long-winded I naturally am, and simultaneously get my off the beaten path sense of humor.

I'll attempt to keep my monologues short & by short I mean, likely less than five paragraphs.. or just at five because the ability to condense was just not something I was graced with. However, that said - part of the reasoning behind Monologue Mondays, aside from wanting to allow you to get to know me on a more personal level, was to practice the art of saying a lot with a few words.

This will be a longer one, simply because I am introducing the series in this post. And today I actually just want to start with some random facts about me before I really get into the heart of blogging my personal thoughts in the following Mondays to come.

So let's get this going then.

I dislike pork. I feel like because Easter was yesterday and a LOT of people eat ham on Easter that discussing my discontent with pork was only appropriate. & for the record, yes... this does include BACON. ...I've actually been called un-American for not liking bacon. Is there anyone else in the world (I mean other than vegans & vegetarians) who detest bacon? Please, just tell me I am not alone. That's all I really want.

But I do looooooooooooooooooooooooooove Chicken. I could eat chicken every single day of the week and I'd still love chicken. In fact, just writing this makes me want some chicken right now.

Apparently this is a food themed post... we'll just go with it.

Also dislike fish, but not shell fish... It is what it is. And I don't like American/Cheddar cheese, OR macaroni & cheese - which is apparently another anti-american way of life.

But .. my favorite ice cream is Butter Pecan... I honestly didn't even know this WAS an ice cream (I live under a rock) until a few months ago and sadly ever since I've been obsessed. So obsessed I've had to ban myself from even walking down that isle in the grocery store - I'm lucky I make it passed there without giving in. But it's been going well, the force is strong with this one.

Lastly, green tea is quite possibly the one thing right now that I could not live without. I could drink green tea all day, every day (in fact, I do) - I LOVE it. I feel like at first it's an acquired taste, but once you drink it on a consistent basis, it's so much better than regular tea - IMO.

Okay! Before this gets too out of hand, that's all for Monologue Mondays - I hope you enjoyed this more personal post & I'd love to hear about your strange food habits too!

XOXO - Crystal Broussard


  1. Such a nice venue!! I would like to book this venue for my wedding renewal party. Hey, Do you also get catering service? Please let me know or if you have some more options of vow renewal location, please share with me.

    1. Hey there! There wasn't a venue mentioned in this post - not sure what venue you're referring to. Let me know & maybe I can help you out. Thanks so much!
