Sunday, May 10, 2015

Being A Mom | Quad Cities Wedding Photographers

Some days I feel like I want to throw in the towel.

I don't, of course, because I also realize that, for me, my understanding of the world around me really didn't take shape until I had children and honestly, what else would I do with my time? ;)

Some days I think my children are a handful & then I see another mother in the super market telling her children "For the love of GOD! Please stop touching everything!!" & I feel a sense of relief. That... "Oh good, I'm not alone!" feeling you have that comes from the comradery between yourself & other mothers struggling to maintain their sanity.

But we make it through every day. Every "Honestly, HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU!!??!" moment, every twelfth "GO TO BED!", every "Worry about yourself.", every "Please stop fighting over the red plate!", every "Please don't hit your sister.", every "Yes of course you can be a princess when you grow up!", because despite all the chaos being a parent brings in to your life it also provides you with a glimpse at what undeniable love truly is.

It teaches us to be selfless & that it is possible to love another human being more than you love yourself & that, to you. their life holds more value than that of your own.

I am not perfect.
There are a whole number of things that I probably do & have done wrong & sometimes I might not even be the best at being a mother but when I look at my kids... I know without a shadow of doubt, that I got at least one thing right. & I know it's the cliche thing now to state how blessed you are, but  ... I AM blessed.

I <3 these pint sized people & their giant personalities more than I can even comprehend.

Sorry for all the posts today.

Happy Mother's Day

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